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How Automation Testing Fits in the Agile World?

Recently, the world has been witnessing the growth of Agile methodologies in building software and demands a new approach to testing. John is a tester for an Agile development team working on a prevalent mobile banking application. This software is used by thousands of customers, and there are millions of transactions occur daily. Since customer experience and data security are the main focus of the banking app, John has to work on new updates consistently to ensure a smooth and secure user journey. He also has to test the application whenever a new feature is added to guarantee that the new one won’t affect any of the existing features. As this entire operation needs to be accomplished in the short term, manual testing is not a suitable option in this widespread scenario.Automation testing was not created to support Agile teams; nonetheless, it enables Agile testing - an essential part of the Agile concept to be achievable. This article will outline all the fundamentals of implementing automated testing for Agile teams. (more…)

How Automation Testing Fits in the Agile World?
Productivity Metrics to Benchmark Dedicated Software Development Team

Productivity Metrics to Benchmark Dedicated Software Development Team

As the adoption of DevOps practices continues to grow among dedicated software development teams, there is an ongoing discussion surrounding defining and measuring productivity for DevOps developers. To address the concern, the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) group has conducted extensive research over six years and established the four key metrics, widely known as the DORA metrics, that serve as valuable indicators for measuring DevOps performance. This article will delve into these four key DORA metrics, exploring their significance and what they can reveal about your DevOps team. By understanding and leveraging these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your team's performance and make informed decisions to drive continuous improvement within your DevOps practices. (more…)

7-Steps Guide for Technical Lead to Develop AI-Powered Software

7-Steps Guide for Technical Lead to Develop AI-Powered Software

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is undeniable, and the integration of AI capabilities will increasingly become the golden standard for numerous software development projects. (more…)

Software Quality Management: How does It Work and Best Practices

Software Quality Management: How does It Work and Best Practices

When it comes to meeting customer expectations and ensuring flawless experience, Software Quality Management (SQM) is essential since it encompasses tasks such as quality assurance, testing, and ongoing enhancement. Through the implementation of quality management, you can deliver software that is dependable, effective, and user-friendly.Quality management in software is generally summarised as:Developers don’t bear the whole responsibility for error codes.Testing isn’t a release bottleneck — you’re simply doing it incorrectly.Thus, to ensure the products are defect-free and fulfil all the quality attributes, testing activities should be done in parallel with the development. Below, the KSM Solutions’ QA Experts have shared the best practices for a well-functioning, comprehensive SQM process.Table of contentHow does Software Quality Management work?Best Practices for Software Quality Management1. Consider Testing Pyramid in Planning Testing Strategy2. Automate Regression Testing3. Apply Cloud Test Environments 4. Emulate the Developer Environments5. Follow Agile Testing ProcessHow KMS Solutions Can Help with Software Quality Management? How does Software Quality Management work?Before jumping into the tips to optimise the SQM, you should understand its functionality. Generally, SQM activities can be divided into three main components: Quality Assurance, Quality Planning, and Quality Control.1. Quality Assurance (QA)In this step, you can establish a well-structured and coherent set of...

Key Considerations for Choosing eKYC Solution

Key Considerations for Choosing eKYC Solution

 Before we learn how to choose eKYC solution, you need to understand what eKYC exactly is. eKYC stands for ‘electronic Know-Your-Customer.’ It is more than a simple solution; it is a platform of several technologies including Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Face Matching, Fraud Detection, Liveness Detection, etc. Mostly designed for banks and financial institutions, eKYC solution make customers’ identity and activity is legitimate, and no fraud or money laundering are committed. (more…)

Best Practices to Solve Common Challenges in Banking MVP Development

Best Practices to Solve Common Challenges in Banking MVP Development

As customers' expectations grow continuously, banks and financial institutions are embracing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) as a nimble and innovative approach to test and validate new ideas quickly. While MVPs provide several advantages to businesses, the journey of MVP development in the BFSI sector comes with its own set of barriers and difficulties.  (more…)

How to Build a Dedicated Software Development Team for Banks

How to Build a Dedicated Software Development Team for Banks

Building a dedicated software development team is never easy, especially when your core business activities are irrelevant to technology. Facing the pressure of digital transformation, many banks and financial institutions are on their way to building or hiring digital teams that work best for their specific requirements. Considering the advantages that a dedicated team can bring to banks, here are our tips for building a dedicated team and choosing models best suited for each banking requirement.Benefits of A Dedicated Software Development Team in BankingAs people are getting tech-savvy and prefer doing things online via their phones, banks and financial institutions need to join the digitalization trends to engage with their customers more effectively. Since banks have to focus on core business, having a dedicated software development team is worth considering. Below are some advantages of a high-performing development team for banks and financial institutions:Increase consistency and time-to-market of projects.Reduce the operational costs as the development team can be done remotely Lessen recruitment headacheKeep the project under control and ensure its security (more…)

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